real traders. real success.

Nikholas’ Story

What was your experience with trading prior to joining HT?


How do you think the HT Academy & Community has contributed to your growth/success?

The Humbled Trader Academy and community have contributed tremendously to my success. It's where I learned the fundamentals of trading Equity. The course is very well paced and the instruction is complete. Risk management and Journaling are the two most important aspect of my trading career. Properly sizing my risk allowed me to trade another day, and journaling my trades allowed me to review how far I've been and when I could level up.

Another aspect is the HT community discord, what an amazing place to trade amongst traders who are going through the same journey day in and day out. I've met some amazing people whom I've considered friends and will continue a friendship outside of the HT Academy. All in all, I will say that one will only get out of the program what he/she put into it.

Which trading coach have you connected with most & why?

All the coaches are fantastic. I was fortunate enough to connect with Kim. She has an immense knowledge on how to gauge the market. Everything she said was spot on, with her is when I started learning about the auction market theory, the market internals, and the market profile. She's incredible! A true gem.